Thursday, March 8, 2007

What a week?

Soooo, the dealio with the other job wasn't as cool as it sounded - honestly. I want out and bad but not to where I am out of town 4 days out of the week. I love my family and would miss them way to much for that to be an option.

BUT, I do feel better and somehow feel renewed - even in the current position that I have. It is a great company - great product - great people. I just hate my drive and the fact that I have way to much to do in a day that my hours are usually 6am to 6pm. Makes the money that i make a little less - $2 an hour plus tips - bleh.

So - my littlest has been below the charts - dropped off - not gaining enough weight. We have been having tests like crazy on him and Charai took him in yesterday and in one week he has gained 1 full lb and an ounce. The DR. didn't say anything but we are stoked.

Love ya - BA

1 comment:

Linz said...

That is wicked bro. All is good and were praying for him hard! As for the job-izzle, something better will work out if you just keep grinding on and doing your part. I say you sell your QC house get some mega cash and move back into Mesa...that would save you some sweet time and the annoyance level would go down quite a few notches. I have loads of friends who have done it and dont regret the "re-move" back to Mesa.