Monday, March 31, 2008

Bitty Cent

Saturday in the Park - Railynn had her 2nd birthday this past Saturday and we had pizza and cake and played. Zack and I were throwing the ball and bitty wanted in on the action. Mindy had her camera and got this of him - he is such a handsome dude.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

more Miss Lottie

Charai's good friend came over today and as a gift took a few pictures of Lottie and here are a couple of my favorite.

It is funny - it has been 7 years since we had a little girl and these brain squeezers (what my Dad calls these head bands) still annoy me. They are always falling down and it gets worse as they move more. She is really cute though and these pictures are neat - I cannot wait for Linz to come and take more pictures of our new bundle.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Another awesome picture that Ninny did. This is Owen our cool mini British dude. He is such a crack up - Davis is fascinated by him and every time I get on the computer he wants to see BABY O - you gotta kinda scream/yell it as you say it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Love this picture! Just wanted to post it up. Dancer of ever.

They just had a dance competition with Benji from "So you think you can dance" it was a great time - they did well. Brileigh is in a troop called the Dazzlers with K & K Dance Company. The main thing is that she loves it. She is awesome.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Allen Dudes

Look - there are a lot of things I am going to say about this picture - first is the amazing Linz! My little sister that never EVER ceases to amaze me. I love her so much - she is a true friend and an utter inspiration to me - every day. I LOVE YOU! Or like McKay would scream I LOOOOOTH YOOOOOUUUU!!!!!!

My Bro. Todd - Love that guy he is an inspiring dude to be with and around and even look at from a distance - figuratively speaking. We are sooo alike and sooo different too. I think in a lot of things - even the most important ones we are the same and I know that I strive to be the best I can because of his example. Todd is a leader and he is a GREAT person who really cares about people - especially the ones he is close to. I know that everyone associates him with softball - but I am better! Love ya bud.

My Dad - truly a Christlike man who cares more than anyone that I know. It was funny - about 5 and a half years ago when we blessed Dalton he came down to Tucson and he bore his testimony and my good buddy Rick told me later that day - "Your Dad's testimony - whoa - GA dude and I am serious" BUT that is my Dad his rock and foundation is on his testimony and knowledge of Christ - He fears God and loves him as well. He is my greatest example - he is a great friend but has always been more than that to me - he has been my Father. He has never tried to be buddy buddy - but we are - he has never tried to be cool around us - but he is beyond cool. He has always been there for us no matter what. I have seen him chuck footballs at kids that tried to hurt my sister, I have seen him jump fences with a single bound to get us a foul ball. He has been there in the late night/early morning to hear me out or check in. Never to tired to complete a sentence or concerned for his sleep - even if our conversation was brief. I love you Dad! You are the BEST.

Mom - you are the Bomb and when Linz gets me a picture - I am gonna drop a big bomb on the internet about you!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

More baby ones

Dalty and his baby sister.

Brilah and her new baby sister.

Just got these from the fabulous Char Holt - the inspiration for our little Lotties name. The kids - ALL of them - are all about their new baby. Davis is the biggest crack up - he laughs the WHOLE time! Brileigh is just beyond happy al the time and Dalton is really protective of her. It is soooooo cute.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Dalton is such a sweet guy - he really is - at Brileigh's dance competitions he sits ALL day and he does a great job. He likes to jump off stuff and does it quite well - we need to get him a skateboard so he can work on jumping off stuff with that! He is ultra concerned with the feelings of all around him - he has a HUGE circle and loves to let people in all the time.

He told Charai a couple of weeks ago that "she is the most beautiful of ALL the ladies in the world" - that's right he said ladies - he continued " well, you and Nan and Grandma are the most beautiful of all the ladies in the world!"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More Lottie

Look at those lips. She is an angel!

I swear she is winking!

This is a good shot for her coloring. Her hair is the darkest that any of our kids have had as well as her eyes, but she is an Allen and that usually equals a baba with blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone knows that I want a dark hair and dark eye girl, so we shall see.

Miss Sassafras

CRAZY FACE! She's cute though! Love this girl. We brought Lottie home tonight - it was the first time that the kids saw their baby sister, they were all so excite and loved every second of her - they are great kids and we are blessed to have them sent to us from heaven.

More pictures

Bitty - I am trying to get his nickname to Bitty Cent, Charai isn't going for it as much as I am but what can you do? Throw it out on the internet and get a ton of people calling him Bitty Cent. He is about the cutest dude under 3 years old. This is jammy time - ready for bed.

Charlotte Laine Allen

We are going to call her Lottie but her correct title is above. She was born at 7:14pm - she was 8lbs and 6oz and she was 20.5 inches long.

She is very cute too,

Lottie is HERE!

SO - at 7am we arrived at Banner Gateway hospital - it was an awesome and brand new building. Went on the pitosin at 9am. She arrived shortly after 7pm - she is gorgeous and has dark hair and her eyes seem darker that our other kids had! I just tried to upload pictures but had a bit of a problem - more to come soon! One teaser for ya'll!