Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some of our summer fun

What up?!! What Up?!!! So, this will be one of a few more I'm sure, but this was the beach and my sandy son - Dalton, but he has a few nicknames - one prominent one is Dalt at least lately Charai, Brileigh and Bitty have been calling him that, but to me it's pretty much always Peanut. There is always a process especially with the Allen side, but I like it cuz the 311 bassist is P-Nut and it makes me laugh.

We had a trip where we went to Cedar City for the Davis family reunion and after that we went to Newport and hit the beach for 3 days solid - it was AWESOME! This is Dalton as the sand monster - the funniest thing is when Charai told him to go into the ocean and rinse his swimsuit he went into the ocean about knee high, dropped trau and started splashing himself...hey whatever works! He is a great dude and is laid back more so than anyone I know and can switch gears to be the craziest dude in the room.

He's awesome and likes to punk rock out with Dad!

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